Dovecot LDA (deliver) aliases question.
I have a multiple virtual domain setup using sendmail, username/domain, password, home directory all stored in mysql,Set-UID/GID for dovecot 'deliver' setup as referenced in Dovecot LDA wiki. Delivery, and POP/IMAP work just fine, serving a mail store in /home/vmail/domain/username type of setup.
My problem comes from what may be a misunderstanding on my part on how to setup aliases for some virtual users.
I have the mailer specification for dovecot defined, and my mailertable and (access) tables setup for each domain, with an entry like this for each domain in mailertable:          dovecot:dovecot
and since I also function as SMTP relay for each customer, I also have an entry in in access          RELAY
and the tables are made with hash... this all appears to work just fine, except when I want to alias a certian email address.
Lets say that I have one email in the domain that needs to be forwarded to another remote account (on another server), I would normally accomplish this with an entry in virtusertable something like this:
but when using dovecots' deliver as the LDA specified for in mailertable, this appears to be ignored, with the email being returned undeliverable (if doesn't exist), or being delivered to (if the account exists in the mysql table).
I have also tried creating the account, and placing a .forward file in the appropriate /home/vmail/domain/user directory, but this also appears to be ignored.
Does anyone have some advice on how to implement such an ability?
I am running dovecot-1.0.rc17, sendmail-8.13.1-3.RHEL4.5, mysql-4.1.20-1.RHEL4.1 on Centos 4.4
Michael P.