Chris Wakelin wrote:
Ragnar Rova wrote:

I have a setup where each user has different mailbox
formats (some use only /var/spool/mail/user) mailbox format,
some is stored in mbx format ~/INBOX or ~/mbox and
some is stored in maildir format in ~/Mail/

I currently use UW-IMAP to read /var/spool/mail/... and the mbx format
mailboxes in ~/INBOX and mutt to read ~/Mail/... (the maildirs in ~/Mail/
are created by procmail rules)

Does dovecot make it possible to also read the maildir directories i have
in ~/Mail/ without having to reconfigure the delivery/imap system for all


Yes, if you use Dovecot-1.0-alpha1 (or 1.0-stable) and namespaces, or
use a userdb format that lets you specify a mail_env for each user (SQL
or passwd-file, I think). Dovecot can't read mbx format mailboxes;
they're pretty UW-specific.

Best Wishes,

If you look in the wiki I posted a conversion script to convert from MBX to MBOX.
Marc Perkel -

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