On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 11:37 +1300, Fintec wrote:
On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 00:50 +0300, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 10:47 +1300, Fintec wrote:
Our server is an CentOS4.4 box and we use the atrpms built RPMs for installing dovecot. I am wanting to use the sieve plug-in so I've followed the dovecot wiki instructions, downloaded the files from CVS, but I'm not sure what configure options to use. When I try without any options I get:
dovecot-config not found from /usr/src/dovecot-sieve, use --with-dovecot=PATH to give path to compiled Dovecot sources
I tried using "./configure --with-dovecot=/usr/libexec/dovecot" but get the same problem.
You'll need to have Dovecot sources somewhere, and you must have run at least "configure" script for them. And preferrably you should also be running Dovecot installed from those sources, since if the binary package was built with different options the Sieve plugin might just crash..
Thanks for the quick reply Timo!
I thought this might be required but just thought I'd ask in case there was some clever way around it. I've successfully compiled and made the cmusieve plug-in - now I'm off to try it!
Will the cmusieve plug-in be included in the official 1.0 release and therefore the RPMs?
For future knowledge I took a look at the atrpms spec file and copied their configure options but I also had to run make in the dovecot sources before the required "dovecot-config" file was created.
Thanks, Gavin
Following on from this I have been unable to get the cmusieve plug-in working...
Process: protocol lda {
- compile, make, make install dovecot-sieve from cvs
- cp "sievec" & "sieved" to /usr/libexec/dovecot/
- cp lib90_cmusieve_plugin.a, .la & .so to /usr/lib64/dovecot/
- cd /usr/lib64/dovecot/lda
- ln -s ../lib90_cmusieve_plugin.a .
- Added plug-in info to dovecot.conf:
mail_plugins = cmusieve mail_plugin_dir = /usr/lib64/dovecot/lda }
- restarted dovecot
The trouble is that after adding a ".dovecot.sieve" file to a user home directory neither a .dovecot.sievec or .dovecot.sieve.err file is created and the sieve script doesn't work.
There doe not appear to be anything in the logs, how can I troubleshoot this problem?