On Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 07:55:53AM -0400, David Morsberger wrote:
To configure a renew hook, add the following to the configuration file:
renew-hook = /root/bin/certbot-renew Next, create the renew hook script at /root/bin/certbot-renew with the following contents:
#!/bin/sh systemctl reload postfix systemctl reload dovecot
My suggestion is that you make a /etc/certbot/reload-hooks/ directory and then use run-parts /etc/certbot/reload-hooks/ as the hook
and put
#!/bin/sh systemctl reload postfix
#!/bin/sh systemctl reload dovecot
as separate scritps in there.
Now, postfix can come with its own /etc/certbot/reload-hooks/010-postfix and similar for dovecot.
And certbot can start shipping with an empty directory and that run-parts preconfigured!
Now all that's left is to submit this to the various maintainers so that we don't have to do this manually every time a reinstall happens.
-- ** R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl ** https://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2049110 ** ** Delftechpark 11 2628 XJ Delft, The Netherlands. KVK: 27239233 ** f equals m times a. When your f is steady, and your m is going down your a is going up. -- Chris Hadfield about flying up the space shuttle.