Picture: A set of very similar UN*X IMAP servers all NFS-mounting their INBOX area (traditional Unix format) from a common "/var/spool/mail" area; activity for any given user ought to be within one box although this cannot be 100% guaranteed. There is the risk of multiple simultaneous access (e.g. simultaneous LDA/delivers; simultaneous LDA/deliver and user-driven IMAP update; etc.). So locking is an important consideration. Decent "noac,actimeo=0" seems to address this succcessfully.
But indexes...
What is the best place for the index files? Logically alongside the INBOX area on the shared-NFS area? Or within each UN*X machine? (Or something else?) And why?
Is there documentation of what functionality the index files provide, and how, if at all, this interacts with the locking of INBOXes (and folders).
: David Lee I.T. Service : : Senior Systems Programmer Computer Centre : : Durham University : : http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/ South Road : : Durham DH1 3LE : : Phone: +44 191 334 2752 U.K. :