17 Nov
17 Nov
10:29 p.m.
On 11/16/17 11:03 AM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
Op 11/16/2017 om 7:42 PM schreef lists.dovecot@rogerklorese.com:
Is there a more appropriate list on which to ask for assistance in coding Sieve rules, or may I ask here? I know of no other suitable venue, so go ahead.
I have the following as the last rule:
if anyof (header :contains "x-spam-flag" "YES", header :contains "subject" "*****SPAM*****") { fileinto "INBOX.Junk"; stop; }
It seems to fire not only when mail is first retrieved, but if a message is moved back into INBOX (so it moves back to Spam). Any suggestions on how to make it fire only on initial processing?