Rolling your own MTA/Dovecot and groupware isn't a trivial undertaking.

But I think one of the best examples of a really well done setup is mailcow.
I've recently been tinkering with it, and it does an exceptional job.

While it's not really an exchange replacement I'm quite impressed and feel it checks a lot of the boxes I have around calendaring/caldav (group and individual), contacts/carddav and synchronization {activesync equivalent).

(Exchange is kind of a weird product to start with and I'm not sure a goal of "replacing" it is a worthy one - at least for the needs I'm considering.)

And it uses Dovecot as part of the mix to get there. :)

One might consider it if you're looking to do some of the things that Exchange does.


RSL> On 12-05-2020 15:45, Michael Hirmke wrote:
>> Hi Robert,

>>> Hi, sorry for top post
>>> but short answer is ,there is no exchange without outlook, that is what
>>> makes exchange a good "groupware solution", on windows only.
>>> So compare it to dovecot makes only small sense.....

>> you can use Exchange with pure IMAP clients, too, but then you lose all
>> groupware functionality, because it doesn't offer any DAV interface.

>> But: You can use  a few Linux clients, that support EWS (Exchange Web
>> Services) and don't lose groupware functions. I tested Kontact and
>> Evolution - and both worked fine.

RSL> You can also run e.g. Nextcloud to get carddav, caldav, webdav, etc, etc.

RSL> --
RSL> Rob