I've been working on making the Dovecot FreeBSD port resemble something which actually works this weekend, it's now much improved - one thing that I did notice is that Dovecot validates a users GID and will not accept a group id of 0. In FreeBSD the group wheel has a the id 0 and only members of the wheel group are allowed to use su and become root. Consequently there are non-root users who have group id's of 0. When you try and open the mailbox of such a user with Dovecot the connection is killed immediately.
It would be excellent to have an option in dovecot.conf along the lines of allow_zero_gid which would disable these checks. From a quick look at the source I can see that the validation is being done in src/master/mail-process.c and that src/lib/restrict-access.c is also involved. If I can get a working patch ready quickly I'll pass it along.
If anyone would like to take a look at the port you can get a copy at the following address:
Hopefully this will go into FreeBSD CVS quite soon.
Dominic <dom at cus.org.uk> <d.marks at student.umist.ac.uk>