On Aug 12, 2019, at 12:18 AM, Sami Ketola via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:

"1. What's the first mail's saved-timestamp?
doveadm fetch -u user date.saved mailbox Junk 1

Well... this is giving me strange results.  For myself, when I run this command, I get:

[~]# doveadm fetch -u cepheid date.saved mailbox Junk 1
date.saved: 2019-07-15 01:42:56

However, my actual Junk folder shows email from as far back as May 15.  I checked this with webmail to ensure it wasn't some problem on my local MUA... this is definitely on the server.  And yes, I checked the Received headers to make sure the dates were correctly represented (I didn't trust the Date header alone).  

HOWEVER... it looks like something is either corrupted or otherwise messed up, because messages #2 and 299 have identical timestamps:
[~]# doveadm fetch -u cepheid date.saved mailbox Junk 2
date.saved: 2019-07-25 03:54:14
[~]# doveadm fetch -u cepheid date.saved mailbox Junk 299
date.saved: 2019-07-25 03:54:14

In fact, MANY messages have this same timestamp.

I can't find the "true" first message timestamp, but the first one not in July is 107:
[~]# doveadm fetch -u cepheid date.saved mailbox Junk 107
date.saved: 2019-05-29 05:57:55

This seems... not right.

The results are similarly strange for my other users.

2. That timestamp should also be the same in dovecot.list.index:
doveadm mailbox status -u user firstsaved Junk"

For this I get:

[~]# doveadm mailbox status -u cepheid firstsaved Junk
Junk firstsaved=1563154976

I can't tell how that timestamp corresponds to a human-readable date, however.

Cheers and thanks.

--- Amir