7 Feb
7 Feb
11:13 a.m.
Am 13.12.2011 11:47, schrieb Jürgen Obermann:
I use dsync to backup mailboxes from mbox format to mdbox on a remote system. The first run for a user with dsync is OK, but during the second there are lots of the following errors:
dsync-remote(user): Error: Can't delete mailbox directory Example: Mailbox has children, delete them first
I see no way how I could influence the order dsync deletes mailboxes. This happens with dovecot version 2.0.16
Thank you, Juergen Obermann
Hallo, after upgrade to dovecot 2.0.17 this problem went away. Greetings, Jürgen Obermann Hochschulrechenzentrum der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Heinrich-Buff-Ring 44 Tel. 0641-9913054