dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:error in SSLv3/TLS write client hello dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:error in SSLv3/TLS write client hello dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:error in SSLv3/TLS write client hello dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3/TLS read server hello dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:TLSv1.3 read encrypted extensions dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3/TLS read server certificate request dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS certificate verification: depth: 0, err: 20, subject: /CN=, issuer: /DC=com/DC=example/CN=example-Root-CA-1 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS certificate verification: Error, unable to get local issuer certificate dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3/TLS read server certificate dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:TLSv1.3 read server certificate verify dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3/TLS read finished dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3/TLS write change cipher spec dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3/TLS write client certificate dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3/TLS write finished dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: anonymous rebind via ldap_sasl_bind("") dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_sasl_bind dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_send_initial_request dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_send_server_request dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_result ld 0x556695138d90 msgid 6 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: wait4msg ld 0x556695138d90 msgid 6 (timeout 100000 usec) dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: wait4msg continue ld 0x556695138d90 msgid 6 all 1 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ** ld 0x556695138d90 Connections: dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * host: port: 0 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * from: IP= dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: refcnt: 2 status: Connected dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: last used: Wed Jul 10 19:49:20 2024 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: rebind in progress dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: queue is empty dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * host: port: 0 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * from: IP= dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: refcnt: 2 status: Connected dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: last used: Wed Jul 10 19:49:20 2024 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: rebind in progress dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: queue is empty dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * host: port: 636 (default) dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * from: IP= dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: refcnt: 4 status: Connected dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: last used: Wed Jul 10 19:49:20 2024 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ** ld 0x556695138d90 Outstanding Requests: dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * msgid 2, origid 2, status InProgress dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: outstanding referrals 2, parent count 0 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * msgid 4, origid 4, status InProgress dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * msgid 6, origid 6, status InProgress dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ld 0x556695138d90 request count 3 (abandoned 0) dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ** ld 0x556695138d90 Response Queue: dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: Empty dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ld 0x556695138d90 response count 0 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_chkResponseList ld 0x556695138d90 msgid 6 all 1 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_chkResponseList returns ld 0x556695138d90 NULL dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: read1msg: ld 0x556695138d90 msgid 6 all 1 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_find_request_by_msgid: msgid 2, lr 0x55669522e220 lr->lr_refcnt = 3 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: read1msg: ld 0x556695138d90 msgid 2 message type search-result dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: read1msg: ld 0x556695138d90 0 new referrals dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: read1msg: mark request completed, ld 0x556695138d90 msgid 2 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_return_request: lrx 0x55669522e220, lr 0x55669522e220 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ldap_return_request: lrx->lr_msgid 2, lrx->lr_refcnt is now 2, lr is still present dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: wait4msg ld 0x556695138d90 0 s 99961 us to go dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: wait4msg continue ld 0x556695138d90 msgid 6 all 1 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: ** ld 0x556695138d90 Connections: dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * host: port: 0 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: * from: IP= dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: refcnt: 2 status: Connected dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: last used: Wed Jul 10 19:49:20 2024 dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: rebind in progress dovecot[6600]: auth: Error: queue is empty