14 Aug
14 Aug
8:33 p.m.
Am 13.08.2015 um 07:33 schrieb Ачилов Рашид Нурмухамедович:
11/08/15 13:35, J. Echter пишет:
i'd like to convert from maildir to mdbox.
what would be the best way to do this?
i have read the dsync part of the dovecot wiki but i don't get what i have to use for my setup.
Sometime, when I must converted many user's mailboxes from mbox to mdbox, I had have wrote one script to mass convert mailboxes for local or domain users and can provide it for you. It support mbox and maildir as source formats.
thanks for your reply.
Would be nice to have a look at this script :)
Thanks for your offer.