11 Aug
11 Aug
6:38 a.m.
On Aug 11, 2009, at 2:22 AM, Sascha Scandella wrote:
Has anyone else problems with Dovecot 1.2.3? For clients such as
Thunderbird, Outlook 2007 everything works perfect. When I use an iPhone the child process is killed:Aug 11 08:08:44 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<username>,
method=PLAIN,rip=, lip=, TLS Aug 11 08:08:44 dovecot: Error: child 5382 (imap) killed with signal
11 (core dumps disabled)
Can you get gdb backtrace? http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html
Or do you have a shared namespace? There was a crash bug related to it..