I thought mdbox was production ready, but it seems to me that (in 2.0.4) it's quite broken.
- The documentation only running this to convert from maildir to mdbox:
*dsync mirror maildir:~/Maildir*
but based on my experience and on posts on the mailing list, it's not enough. A namespace has to be defined and it's not clear whether / or . should be used as a separator. I tried with a dot first and the INBOX folders were empty. It seemed to work better with /
- After having defined a namespace, running dsync again makes it spit tons of errors Error: Can't rename mailbox INBOX_28c716242e53784cc9030100d3b51c5c to INBOX: Target mailbox already exists Error: Mailboxes don't have unique GUIDs: 4536121fce3ca14cf8c40000d3b51c5c is shared by INBOX and INBOX_4536121fce3ca14cf8c40c Info: INBOX/spam: only in dest Info: INBOX: only in source
Each run will create more folders with GUIDs attached to the folder name.
- Deleting these folders after having moved their content to the properly named ones seems impossible. I see a long list of folders in the bin and when I hit "Empty bin" in Thunderbird, nothing happens. There must must be a caching issue, because if I click on the folder, I'm told these folders don't exist.
If I dsync again, I still have conflicts, with folders that are in the bin and then with new copies of INBOX Error: Mailboxes don't have unique GUIDs: 4536121fce3ca14cf8c40000d3b51c5c is shared by INBOX and Trash/INBOX_4536121fce3ca14c Error: Mailboxes don't have unique GUIDs: 4536121fce3ca14cf8c40000d3b51c5c is shared by INBOX_4536121fce3ca14cf8c40000d3b51c5c
At that stage, the newly created INBOXes cannot be deleted because they already exist in the bin.
I renamed those folders, moved them to the bin, emptied the bin And it's still not fixed when running dsync Error: Mailboxes don't have unique GUIDs: 1a6f000a9751784c12030100d3b51c5c is shared by Sent and Trash/5 Info: Trash_INBOX_bb088f159336a14cc6bf0000d3b51c5c: only in dest Error: Can't rename mailbox INBOX to Trash_3: Renaming INBOX isn't supported.
Why can't folder properly be deleted? I never had that problem with Maildir.