I think I already know the answer to this and I agree with it, but I have a question about "invalid" mailbox naming decisions in dovecot. Technically, RFC3501 (Section 5.1, pg. 18, client consideration 3) says that * and % are legal in mailbox names, though it implicitly discourages their use. We just migrated to dovecot, and unfortunately have a few users who used * in their mailbox naming (which worked on our old IMAP server).
I looked in the mailing list and source comments, but I could not find any discussion.
Was there any discussion about the imap/commands-util.c:48?
46: /* make sure it even looks valid */ 47: sep = mail_storage_get_hierarchy_sep(storage); 48: if (*mailbox == '\0' || strspn(mailbox, "\r\n*%?") != 0) { 49: client_send_tagline(cmd, "NO Invalid mailbox name.");
which is technically not RFC-compliant? I have a feeling it fixes much more important things than it breaks (i.e. LIST/LSUB), but then again we never had complaints from people using those characters in names until they stopped being supported.
-- Anthony Kay University Computing Center (541) 346-1719 GPG Fingerprint: B0DB D46A 60AF FAE7 A94A 5075 0CB4 4D88 9F4F 7F09
Sanity is a cozy lie.
Susan Sontag