On 08/08/2024 10:15, Eduardo Diaz Rodriguez via dovecot wrote:
Hi to all I was using dovecot like 15 years on multiples debian places, and I have the same issue on debian 12 and debian 11.
on my configuration I use exim with 2 process to send email, and at the same time use mailscanner to scan all the email that runs on the server.
exim1 get the email, and put on the mailscanner directory and mailscanner scan the email and put on another directory to be send by exim2...
Debian-+ 242594 1 0 Jul17 ? 00:00:15 /usr/sbin/exim4 -bd -oY -odq -oX 587:25 -oP /var/run/exim4/exim.pid Debian-+ 242597 1 0 Jul17 ? 00:00:01 /usr/sbin/exim4 -oP /run/exim4/eximqr.pid -q15m -oY -DOUTGOING
I enable vacation the users, and works ok, but the issue is related the email sent by dovecot…
The mail sent by dovecot lacks of the headers and the SPF and DKMI headers but if I sent the email form my command line using /usr/sbin/sendmail the email has the all the headers…. The mail issue here is with the norms for spam from google the nobody get the vacations emails reply.
as far I see on the logs of sendmail I see only the email on the exim4 -DOutgoing (log) (I don't know why) because if I send the mail using send mail go to the whole process
I don't know why dovecot send the mail to exim -DOUTGOING and not use sendmail on command line..
There any way to create a warper to capture the mail and sending "like this one" /usr/local/bin/dovecot-sendmail-wrapper
I enable the debugn on send mail to see what is doing dovect but no luck
Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim: Created Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim: Establishing connection Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim: Forked child process Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim (870409): Connected to program Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim (870409): Finished streaming payload to program Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim (870409): Finished input to program Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim (870409): Disconnected Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim (870409): Waiting for program to finish after 0 msecs (timeout = 30000 msecs) Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim (870409): Child process ended Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: Debug: program exec:/usr/sbin/exim (870409): Destroy Aug 8 02:13:27 servidorabm dovecot: lda(luis.alvarez)<870407><rujXC6cNtGYHSA0A40PlXQ>: sieve: msgid=<2118db23-b529-4b96-8d36-4a9ed7596a03@pk25.com>: vacation action: sent vacation response to <ediaz@pk25.com>
Hi Eduardo
would you mind showing your configuration, in particular it would be interesting to know the output of these:
doveconf sendmail_path doveconf submission_host
What is the way you want to deliver email to from dovecot lda to exim, via sendmail command, via port 25 or something else?