On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 13:46 +0200, Ioannis Zachariadis wrote:
when I point the logs into a file, the file is being used, and all the logs are being written fine. However, when I use the syslog_facility (not multiple, and not the point to file method) I get messages in syslog that are labeled as mail.info or mail.error. All these work fine, but there are messages from deliver that are labeled user.info and user.error. I just want to redirect all messages from dovecot and deliver to be labeled as mail.* and not user.*
Well, I can't really say anything more than that deliver doesn't log anything to user.* by default. There must be something in your configuration which causes that.
Actually if deliver logs something to mail.*, but not everything, then I'm pretty sure that it's a syslog configuration issue.