On 25 Jul 2016, at 18:26, Vince42 <dovecot@mx24.net> wrote:
[Steffen Kaiser] - [2016-07-25 08:23]
I am running a dovecot server and have set up an external monitoring, where every five minutes a login with SSL on port 993 is done. I usually get once a day an error "connection reset by peer - SSL connect", which goes away until the next monitor is executed.
that looks like a basic networking issue to me. Do you have logs how many users try to connect at this time? Is it always the same time range? Is the server load very high?
My server has nice specs (in fact a 30 times lower scaled server never had this kind of problems), I also don't host many domains and users, therefore I doubt that some kind of limit might be touched. I also suspected some internal system load, but unfortunately the error occurs arbitrarily, which makes me think that no scheduled process is responsible for this. I also ran 'top' during such an event without any obvious load tasks. The system statistics also show no weird peaks. I read about the "running out of random" phenomenon, but during such an event there were still enough resources random-wise.
Could it be that I need to offer more login processes or that I should raise some of my configuration values?
If you are reaching any such limits, a warning is logged. Do you see any errors or warnings at all in logs?