On January 3, 2010 6:16:18 PM +0100 Harald Dunkel <harald.dunkel@t-online.de> wrote:
What is supposed to happen if I try to create a folder named "a.b" in this configuration? Since '.' is not a separator character anymore, and since the client doesn't know anything about the internals of Dovecot, I do not see why Dovecot complains about an invalid character? Shouldn't it hide its internal Maildir structure?
You'd think so, but . is used by the Maildir++ format in the filesystem so as long as you're using Maildir++ it is illegal.
You can't have a folder named "a.b" because when this looks like a/b in Maildir++. So, . is always illegal, and whatever your separator character is, is also illegal.
You can use the folder structure (ie, maildir instead of maildir++) and then . should be legal but I personally haven't tried this. I think you just append :LAYOUT=fs to the location spec to use it.