I was wondering if anyone has IMAP working between Dovecot 1.0.10 and a Nokia N95 (8GB version with firmware 15.x.x.x)? I've been trying to make it work using a default Dovecot config but the N95 just hangs when updating the folder list which has a bunch of nested folders. So I made a new test user and started from there. That works but the moment I add a folder in Evolution and a subfolder in that one then the N95 seems to fall apart. In wireshark all I see are a bunch of TCP transmissions over and over from the Dovecot server to the N95 and the N95 just sits there. I also configured Dovecot with a basic private namespace but that did not make any difference:
namespace private { separator = / prefix = location = maildir:/var/spool/mail/%u/ inbox = yes }
Any tips much appreciated.
Thanks and regards, Patrick