On 21.5.2011, at 23.35, Bruno Prémont wrote:
It's expected, although maybe not the best behavior. I'm basically copying UW-IMAP behavior for mbox and Courier/Cyrus behavior for Maildir. There are more detailed reasons for why the "#mbox.folder." should be listed, which are described by Mark Crispin somewhere in imap-protocol mailing list archives I think. I've been thinking about making dbox and Maildir (and maybe mbox) behavior identical though..
Hm, at least claws-mail (it uses libetpan) does not survive listing the #mbox namespace here, it loops listing the same folder until it crashes.
Well, then I'd think it always crashes when listing mailboxes with UW-IMAP? If not, it has some special UW-IMAP specific crash-avoidance code..
If you have a pointer to the detailed reasons for the differing behavior I would appreciate so I could add it to the bug report.
Well, one such link is http://marc.info/?l=imap&m=104561252904979&w=2 but there are probably better.