On 11 Aug 2014, at 17:22, Christian Rohmann crohmann@netcologne.de wrote:
Hey dovecot-users,
did I miss anything anywhere about the configuration variables "nfs_storage" and "mail_nfs_index" being removed from the example configuration in 2.2?
In 2.1 they where both in 10-mail.conf commented out and set to their default "no". But with 2.2 they are not in any of the exmaple config files anymore.
doveadm is still showing the variables and they can be used as ever still.
Just wondering if I missed something and this should be configured differently on 2.2 now.
They have never fully worked as http://wiki2.dovecot.org/NFS mentions. I removed them from the configs so people wouldn't accidentally try to use them. The only supported solution is to use Dovecot director. If you use only a single Dovecot server then you don't need the mail_nfs_* settings either.