05.06.2012 23:33, Michescu Andrei написал:
Picture the following scenario: master servers on each continent. Catastrophic failure of the trans-continental network => 5 big disconnected chunks of network fully functional. Any HA setup that I saw will fail miserably. The simplest design with fully replicated masters will continue to work.
Dispute the original topic, I'd say this looks like a good service idea, as many company may pay for such a service if it can be set up specifically for their needs (routing, logs, backups, redirections).
Gmail (and other big guys like them) won't be that fine-tunable (having point to service many customers with the same type of control), and companies sometime just won't deal with such a Big Brother to store their corporate mail due to internal regulations (read - 'corporate paranoia').
But the replication between "points of presence" (5 big datacenters, one per continent, won't be good topology) will be painful and we easily face split-brain situation, whichever replicaton scheme I can imagine.
Yours, Alexander