Hi everyone,
this article (http://blog.dovecot.org/2012/02/dovecot-clustering-with-dsync-based.html) describes the situation for director/NFS-based clusters and SSH-based clusters.
Right now I'm running the first setup with one proxy/director and two backends (all 2.2.x) mounting an NFS-share but I'd like to get rid of NFS (it's slow) and, if one backend is down, the proxy still sends the user to that backend.
The article says: "High-availability non-NFS setup One possibility is to use Dovecot proxies, which know which servers are down. Instead of directing users to those servers, it would direct them to replica servers."
My question is, if I can still use my proxy/direcot setup but every backend having it's local (or iSCSI-backed) ext4 storage and not using the SSH-based replication method?
Regards Patrick