

I am using dovecot 2.3.0 with FTS Solr 7.7.2.


I started having problems where the solr stopped working, I came to the conclusion that when a specific user is accessing his email, the queries made on SOLR are dropping this service.

Apr 28 11:03:59 Error: imap(tullio@dominio.com.br)<125772><fdHRQlqkupe6zZkj>: fts_solr: Lookup failed: Request timed out (Request queued 180.186 secs ago, 2 times retried, 3 send attempts in 180.185 secs, 60.062 in last attempt, 60.063 in http ioloop, 0.000 in other ioloops, connected 60.062 secs ago)


Analyzing the solr logs, we got an example query:,score&rows=15824&sort=uid+asc&q=%7b!lucene+q.op%3dAND%7dhdr:%3ceyJlX21faWQiOjE1ODUxMiwidF9pZCI6ODUxMCwiZV9jX2lkIjoxLCJjX3BfdF9pZCI6MywiY19pZCI6MzQ4MzIzMDUsImVfaWQiOjg3NjYwLCJlX3RfaWQiOjYsInRzIjoiMjAyMC0wNC0yNCAxOTozMjoxMS4wIn0%3d@edrone.me%3e&fq=%2Bbox:8ba9c7227a37835cbaf20100b047fe86+%2Buser:tullio@dominio.com.br


What I could see is that this query in question was a search in the headers and not in the body.

Should this query type go through FTS Solr?


Reading the documentation I understand that the standard behavior is that header searches are made by dovecot and only bodies searches are made by Solr.

I saw about a recent option called fts_enforced, where it is possible to forward header searches to FTS, but I am not using this option.


I would like to know if my understanding is incorrect or if there is some kind of problem with dovecot?


