On 2010-10-08 3:54 PM, Donny Brooks wrote:
On Friday, October 08, 2010 02:33 PM CDT, Charles Marcus CMarcus@Media-Brokers.com wrote:
Or upgrade to 2.0.5 on the new server and still use doveadm - this is probably best if you can...
The newest I see for an rpm is 2.0.4 on the atrpms site. We try not to build from source due to the way a previous admin messed things up. Any pointers on a source for the 2.0.5 rpm?
No, sorry - but you could join the atrpms users list and request an updated rpm - axel and co are usually pretty responsive, or so I've heard (my package manager is not rpm based)...
Also, I said doveadm above, but I meant dsync (which is only available in 2.0.x)...
I think the best thing would be to do what you need to do to get 2.0.5 installed on the new server, make sure it is working properly in your environment and for your use case, then migrate the users.
How many users do you have? I'm fairly certain there is a good way to do this mostly automated in batches...
We have about 160 users I believe at last count. Mail boxes range in size from a few MB to around 8GB. Being a state agency, they tell us we cannot delete any mail. This is why I am wanting to switch to Maildir so I can migrate "old" messages off to a different machine/disk for archival purposes but still remain accessible.
The dovecot wiki has decent instructions for accomplishing your goal - have you read them thoroughly? If not, I recommend doing so, then coming back with any questions:
Best regards,