
i have a question if someone can help me with this.

My  sieve file configuration is this:

cat enabled_script.sieve 

require ["fileinto"];
if header :contains "subject" "@ggmaail.com" {
        fileinto "INBOX.Spam";

elsif header :contains "subject" "TW" {

elsif header :contains :comparator "i;octet" "X-Spam-Status" "autolearn=spam" {

When the condition is true and a mail is discard i can not discriminate in the logs what was the reason.

1) "subject" "@ggmail.com"  or 2) "subject" "TW"

I can only see this message over the logs:

February 15th 2021, 17:39:33.000
lmtp(mail@mail.domain)<27188><kJhTEMWjKmA0agAAaUS+oQ>: sieve: msgid=<001701d703b9$234a8b80$69dfa280$@correo.es>: marked message to be discarded if not explicitly delivered (discard action)

(Note: i changed the domain names)

My question is:  Can i setup or add any option in my sieve filter  for more info about the discard reason ??? Any rules together  with the discard option ? 

I am out of idea about it. Thanks in advanced!!!