I run my home server under Rocky Linux 9. The server is modem / router and as such has two firewall interfaces; internal and external.

Dovecot version is dovecot-2.3.16-8.el9.x86_64
kernel is: 5.14.0-284.18.1.el9_2.x86_64

My domain is wo-lar.com

Postfix and Dovecot are up and running, and I can send and receive emails from CLI.

But I cannot connect from desktop clients. I get the following error message: Server message: Can't connect to host "tcp://wo-lar.com:143"

I tried to telnet from my desktop and server. Results are the same:

I went through all kinds for conf files and search for wo-lar string, but can't find it anywhere

Where is the mistake hiding?

Thanks for helping.
