1 Jun
1 Jun
5:26 p.m.
Em 29/05/2017 15:35, Aki Tuomi escreveu:
On May 29, 2017 at 9:27 PM Marcio Merlone <marcio.merlone@a1.ind.br> wrote:
I am running dovecot 2.2.22-1ubuntu2.4 on a ubuntu 16.04 server. It has a valid Letsencrypt certificate but the problem also happens with a self-digned one.
Only openssl s_client -connect localhost:993 works fine and fast, while all MUA's and telnet does not. Telnet timeouts waiting for banner after a minute or so: (...) It is not exactly obvious what you are expecting to happen. You won't get plain text banner out of port 993, if you want to use STARTTLS, use port 143. So obvious, thank you.
-- *Marcio Merlone*