On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Noel Butler <noel.butler@ausics.net> wrote:
On Fri, 2010-08-27 at 08:54 +1000, Edward avanti wrote:
Halo, Please can you explain why this is advantage over a hardware load balancer.
it is no advantage over a dedicated hardware solution, but director does not do the exact same thing.
I fail to see advantage if anything it add in more point of failure, with
i agree with this and it is why we dont use it
we use dovecots deliver with postfix and have noticed no problems, not to say there was none, but if so, we dont notice it. postfix looks up the user, it determines if it accepts the mail, if it does, it queues it for mailscanner to do its stuff, then gives it back to postfix, which is then told to give it to dovecots deliver, it makes
I have offlist discussion with Timo, he said help with I/O, you make good case, not more I/O intense than scanning mail, delivery just like router
no sense to me that it should then be sent to another machine just to be stored on a remote file server, the same remote file server the initial server assigned that conenction by a true load balancer has mounted and would store it to as well.... would be miuch easier to have deliver ignore the index file by an option, eliminating the corruption risks to the index file and just storing the darm thing. or am i only one who thinks mail systems do not need to be complex to run faultlessly, I think those who feel the need to make it very complex are not only looking for trouble, but further trying to justify their position to their employer that they are indispensable.
If operation is simple, is little to go wrong, when nothing go wrong, boss happy and my job safe
if director service assign 60K user to each front end, how it handle if
simultaneous user login, but all 5K happen to be assign to that one machine,
that would be rare, but, technically speaking, if you are that large in user numbers, it is a possible scenario
We have 418K mailbox users
Is it really worth it? Do we really need this, or just let foundry switch handle it as it does now. We also have 24 front end SMTP server, these deliver mail to netapp filer, all 24 plus 8 pop3 server and 2 webmail imap server all mount /vmail, so all access same maildir. it seem work very effective thus far and for many many
Sounds similar setup to us, smtp, pop3 and webmail all mounting /var/vmail/ on a FAS2050, I've asked if it can avoid touching the index files before (see a thread as recent as a few weeks back), Timo is just not interested, to much work apparently for so little users
Oh my, so i waste time talking asking him for extra switch to deliver to ignore indexing, drat.
(although I never in all hte years ive been on this list, ever seen a poll taken/question asked to users - about it, plus, well, every single dovecot user is on this list, right? <sarcasm> anyway, mostly I guess although it has risks, it seems to work for everyone who uses NFS anyway and has done for very many years :) , maybe one day when Timo is so bored and cant think of anything to add, he will give us an option, or a dedicated deliver binary separate to normal deliver that does this)
Maybe not many people here use time proven setup
/rant ( but its nice to know im not the only one here who feels this way) Cheers