As Alexander wrote - posix behaviour. To change into a directory the directory itself needs execute permission for owner/group/other (what ever is meant). Not the file itself. BTW even a chmod 110 /var/log/dovecot (so only execute and no read/write) would work.
On 19.05.24 16:49, Richard Rosner via dovecot <> wrote:
Am 19.05.24 um 16:02 schrieb Alexander Dallou via dovecot:
Am 19.05.2024 um 15:55 schrieb Richard Rosner via dovecot:
Am 19.05.24 um 15:29 schrieb Friedrich Kink via dovecot:
chmod 775 /var/log/dovecot will solve the problem. Without execute permission the process can't access the logfile. Why on earth does a process supposed to write to a file need execution permission? This most certainly is very unwelcome behavior and a bug in any case, no matter if it's intended by the author or not.
chmod ug+x on the /var/log/dovecot directory! Standard POSIX permissions for a non-root process to enter a directory. It most certainly isn't. nginx isn't running as root, yet it can log without execution permissions just fine. Absolutely nothing should have execution permissions if they aren't meant to be executed, which should only be true for a very small set of files besides binaries.
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