On Sat, 2006-07-01 at 09:51 +0200, Alan Schmitt wrote:
Well, it seems that Mail.app copies or deletes messages one at a
time, and sometimes wait for one minute between two messages. When
this happens, going to another mailbox (to read messages, for
instance) takes forever, and coming back to the mailbox where the
messages were deleted shows them, until they get deleted on the
server. I don't really know how to explain it differently (which is
probably part of the problem as well ;-) ).
I guess by copying you mean within the server, and not eg. copying a local message to server?
What OS are you using in server side? And what filesystem?
If Linux, you could see what the server is doing by:
strace -tt -o log -p <imap process pid>
Then start the copying and see which part of it takes the longest.