18 Oct
18 Oct
7:38 p.m.
On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 09:56 -0300, Andre Nathan wrote:
I'm using mdbox for mail storage. I'd like to give users an option to recover backups into a new folder, say, Backup-$date.
Added to hg:
This example imports all mails from a backup under a backup-20101026
doveadm import -u jane.doe@example.org \
mdbox:/backup/20101026/jane.doe/mdbox backup-20101026 all
Another example that imports only messages from foo@example.org in the
backup mdbox's INBOX to jane's INBOX:
doveadm import -u jane.doe@example.org \
mdbox:~/mdbox-backup mailbox INBOX from foo@example.org