We are running into a situation where Dovecot master is simply trying to do too much. It some situations, we are finding that there are times in which it cannot service requests. Restarting Dovecot seems to help in these situations, possibly due to the fact that it no longer has to manage its THOUSANDS of file descriptors for pipes to the many imap/proxy processes that it uses for logging. Is there a way to turn off logging through the master process (in exchange for lesser security)? If not, would it be easy to have the master process do its logging using separate threads (which would help on some modern hardware)? Finally, would it be easy to delegate the task of logging to a dedicated process?
We are still running Dovecot 1.0.0 at this time, on Solaris 10 servers.
Steven F. Siirila Office: WBOB, 621F Internet Services E-mail: sfs@umn.edu Office of Information Technology Voice: (612) 626-0244 University of Minnesota Fax: (612) 626-7593