On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Andrew Hutchings wrote:
Dan Hollis wrote:
Is it possible for dovecot to strip realms and force lowercasing of usernames? We have a lot of dumb customers who try logging in to pop3 with crap like UsERNAmE and bla@nonexistentdomain.com. All our usernames are lowercase and we have no realms. Trying to get hundreds of customers to fix this is hard and is a significant and costly support burden. It would be nice if dovecot could handle this in some way. In your default_mail_env if you use %n instead of %u you will get the domains stripped. As for lowercase that is a feature I would like to see, I will see if I can code it tonight.
No no no :-) default_mail_env only specifies the _mailspool location_.
What I want is for dovecot to strip realms and force lowercase of usernames _before passing them to pop3-login or pam for authentication_
So if a user tries to login as "SoMEuSERNAme@msn.com" it actually authenticates them as "someusername". Stripping the realm and lowercasing the name _before checking it against the passwd/shadow files_.
Other pop3 servers like teapop have explicit support for this.