Am 24.07.2017 um 00:18 schrieb
Just to add to my previous message:
I modified the args= in the passdb section of /etc/dovecot/passwd.db from SHA256 to SHA256-CRYPT which gave a different error when I tried to do the same creation of the account in Thunderbird. The new error is:
Jul 23 22:12:23 www dovecot: auth: passwd-file(,,<u4CLZBNVys4u8ic/>): Password mismatch
"Password mismatch" sounds to be clear.
Did you verify the SHA256-CRYPT hash?
doveadm pw -t '{SHA256-CRYPT}$5$JYfSN2ogeOpMRPqA$zcojaWG0u35PYX5EYCHlRJiJyJg35.gSYURZy8T.FS8' Enter password to verify: {SHA256-CRYPT}$5$JYfSN2ogeOpMRPqA$zcojaWG0u35PYX5EYCHlRJiJyJg35.gSYURZy8T.FS8 (verified)
And which type of authentication method did you choose in Thunderbird? It should be "password, normal".