1 0 2 1 1209486091.P3655Q5.serverb:2,S
Moving another mail to this dir leads to:
1 0 3 1 1209486091.P3655Q5.serverb:2,S 2 1209486279.P3655Q6.serverb:2,S
In the mean time I repeated the test with creating a new mailbox (folder) using version 1.0.13 (debian etch-backport). Using this version the uidvalidity seems to be ok. See the ecxcerpt of the log file:
1 1209544994 2 1 1209544994.P18795Q0M587290.servera:2,S
So I think simply upgrading to version 1.0.13 should be the savest way to repair this bug and correct the wrong uids.
-- Dipl.-Inform. Robert Henjes University of Wuerzburg, Institute of Computer Science, Department of Distributed Systems (Informatik III), Am Hubland, 97074 Wuerzburg, Germany
henjes@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de Tel: +49 931 888-6652 Fax: +49 931 888-6632