I'm curious - if you throw in the SSL parameters suggested here, is the problem resolved?

Steven Haigh 📧 netwiz@crc.id.au 💻 https://www.crc.id.au

On Sat, May 14 2022 at 01:13:44 -0700, Greg Earle <earle@isolar.DynDNS.ORG> wrote:
On 13 May 2022, at 19:38, Elisamuel Resto <sam@samresto.dev> wrote:
I believe this to be a configuration error, not a dovecot problem. The output of dovecot -n (as an attachment; look it over for any data you do not want publicized) would help to suggest changes to bring you back into compliance.
Elisamuel, I'm not really sure why you think it's a configuration error, but I'll attach the "dovecot -n" output. Thanks, - Greg