On Friday 25 September 2009 17:13:33 Charles Marcus wrote:
On 9/25/2009, AnneWilson (anne@lydgate.org) wrote:
unlink(/home/david/Maildir/cur/cur:2,ST) failed: Is a directory
There a thread here discussing this error:
Bottom line:
"This means that "new" and "cur" directories were created to either Maildir/cur/ or Maildir/new/ and since there should be only messages Dovecot tried to handle them as files/messages. Dovecot didn't create those directories. You probably misconfigured some other program at some point which created those (or you did it manually)."
So, if you have /cur/cur and /new/new directories, delete the second level ones...
Thanks for the explanation. It never occurred to look inside /cur. I definitely didn't create that manually. David would not know how to. And the strange thing is that from the logs it happened about 10 days before I did the distro upgrade - a time when I can think of no reason why anything at all would change. I don't like mysteries, but I may have to accept that this is one.
Upgrading would probably be a good idea while you're at it... 1.0.7 is very old...
That doesn't surprise me, but having chosen to run with an enterprise level distro I think it's probably safer to stick with their version.
Thanks for the speedy help. I've spent most of the day on this, and it's great to know it's resolved at last.