Quoting David Pottage <david@electric-spoon.com>:
On 28/12/11 10:39, Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik wrote:
:2011-12-28T10:26:David Pottage:
I solved the problem by creating a second instance of dovecot running on a non standard port, and configured it to serve only a subset my email folders, so that way the email client on my smartphone works well and I can read the emails I am interested in on the move. Here's a simple improvement. Create a new email user and symlink just those folders you want to see into it. I considered that option but decided against it for two reasons.
Firstly I wanted to retain the option to switch to the full version of my mail folders if I needed to access something urgently. My smart-phone based email client allows me to change the port number of an existing email account, but will not allow me to change the user-name without creating a whole new account and re-downloading everything.
I read back through the thread, and I don't see why you're not using
IMAP subscriptions - did I overlook it?