Am 07.05.2014 08:35, schrieb Steffen Kaiser:
Just musing:
the antispam-plugin triggers e.g. an external command, if you fork it, give it another name and another setting's prefix, you can configure it to spawn sieve-filter on the special "Re-filter" folder, maybe delaying its run to gather all messages from a bulk move operation or something like that. That said, on small systems even a cron may work.
I never used the sieve-filter tool, though. And the man page warns about its useage.
- -- Steffen Kaiser
I think it would not be a problem to develop a solution to remotely trigger re-filtering for me, myself and I. But that is not the point here. Clients like the Thunderbird Sieve Extension (, or the diverse webmail MUA's will only start implementing such a feature if there is a official draft or specification.
The whole point of my initiative here is that Managesieve finally becomes the capability to replicate the features the users know from their local client side filtering (Thunderbird, Outlook) which provide the feature of re-filtering. Even big webmail providers like the Global Mail Exchange / GMX here in Germany provide re-filtering in their webgui.
I use the sieve-filter tool very often for myself - everytime when I create a new subfolder and create a new fileinto rule, I refilter my Inbox to clean it up and have a consistent subfolder with all old and new mails that are matching the rule.
The man page of the sieve-filter tool is 2 and a half years old ;) ( Sadly even the Wiki page doesn't mention it directly:
The tool works like a charm, but if your sieve script does not do what you actually intended, you can delete all your mails. But that's the same with Thunderbirds or Outlooks client side techniques. The only difference is that both MUA's provide a good GUI which explains and summarizes what the filter rules will do and thereby prevent not intended behavior of the rules.
Since the new german Dovecot book ( recommends the sieve-filter tool for refiltering, it will get much more attention in the future.
Best regards,