On 03/05/2021 10:42 Fiorenza Meini <fmeini@esseweb.eu> wrote:
Hi, I successfully enable mail_crypt module but I'm experiencing a strange behaviour with tmp directory while accessing with POP3 protocol:
I see in log file: Error: istream-seekable: safe_mkstemp(/tmp/dovecot.pop3.) failed: Permission denied
I changed tmp directory configuration (mail_temp_dir variable) and setting it with 777 permission, but the error is the same.
On client side it's working everything, but I'd like to understand the error and if I have to be worried about it.
Thank you and regards Fiorenza
-- Fiorenza Meini/Spazio Web
Are you by chance using selinux or apparmor there which could prevent this? Also Dovecot's stock systemd unit prevenst you from writing into random locations, /tmp should be fine though.