On 16 Oct 2014, at 06:26, Ralf Hildebrandt <r@sys4.de> wrote:
After fixing the "duplicate compression" problem, we're now encountering
"imap-login: Error: proxy(USERNAME): connect(10.x.x.178, 993) failed: Cannot assign requested address (after 0 secs, local=10.x.x.100)"
in the logs. We already tried raising the ulimit, the max number of open files. Once we reach about 25k connections, we're getting the error above... for all local addresses. It seems as if the system cannot create any more outgoing connections.
I'd guess you're running out of TCP ports.
We're using multiple local addresses when proxying to the backends
How are you doing the multiple local addresses? In v2.2.14 there's login_source_ips setting intended to solve this problem. http://wiki2.dovecot.org/PasswordDatabase/ExtraFields/Proxy