Hello Tom,
Tom Hendrikx <tom@whyscream.net> writes:
You could simply enable sieve in the dovecot environment. The offlineimap + dovecot setup you have running already can be left mostly intact: it has nothing to do with offlineimap.
You could just setup sieve per the dovecot wiki guidelines, and then create a sieve script that uses the ext_programs plugin to call dspam (or any other filter that adds headers and is able to print the message including those added headers to stdout).
Thank you for the suggestion. This is indeed what I'm trying to do.
I'm not sure if it's necessary to do the delivery to dovecot using Dovecot's deliver LDA, or that you can keep using the '...libexec/dovecot/imap' binary for that in order to have sieve support. Maybe someone else can fill that in.
This is the crux of my question, I guess. Right now I don't deliver any mail, but use offlineimap to keep a local imap server (dovecot) in sync with a remote one. So my questions are:
- Can I use dovecot's sieves if I don't deliver mail?
- If not, how can I hook up offlineimap and dovecot so that mail is delivered instead of synchronized?