On 12/21/06, Najib Abi Fadel <nabifadel@yahoo.com> wrote:
i have a mail server with many users and i am using dovecot as pop3 server. I was wondering if there is a way to detect the last date each user logged in to the server for retrieving his mail.
I need to delete the users that has not logged in to their accounts the last 6 monthes.
If you're using indexes, you could do a find on wherever you store the indexes and see what the mtime was on it, which would generally possibly do what you want. a find command with something like:
find /var/something -name dovecot.index -mtime +180
which would find and print to screen any dovecot indexes that have a modification time of 180 days or more. you could pipe this to a file or awk and get just the username out, assuming the maildir contains the user's username. Above is a quick example, you may get multiple output assuming people are using folders.