Am 10.06.2014 15:39, schrieb Steffen Kaiser:
On Tue, 10 Jun 2014, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 10.06.2014 15:17, schrieb Steffen Kaiser:
The basic question is: what is a duplicate? However, neither script I would call general enough for automatic processing
dbmail has just "suppress_duplicates = yes" and silently ignores *new received* messages with the same message-id to the same user as a global setting
Wasn't there a thread some days/weeks ago, that Pigeonhole behaves the same by default and the poster asked how long the timeframe is Pigeonhole remembers the ids?
Actually, I still wonder about whether or not the same message-id is sufficient to decide to "silently drop" a message, as I interprete "to ignore a message" as "to drop". They might came different paths, some MUA might not generate ids unqiue world-wide or time-depended, ... . It's a matter of taste, IMHO
if the MUA generates no message-id at all the MTA usually does because otherwise you would risk to get messages rejected what we did many many years ago for any incoming mail without msgid
if it generates one it's unlikely to have the same message-id for the same RCPT - usually the current timestamp is part of it