25 Aug
25 Aug
8:37 p.m.
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Frank Bonnet <f.bonnet@esiee.fr> wrote:
is there some specials recommentations to migrate from dovecot 1.1.x to 2.0.1 with FreeBSD boxes ?
If dovecot-1.1.x is serving your needs fully, then IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED to upgrade:-) Or did you mean to ask differently? I realize you are French, so may be I misunderstand. Version 2.x have great features, but maybe you do not need those.
-- Best regards, Odhiambo WASHINGTON, Nairobi,KE +254733744121/+254722743223
"If you have nothing good to say about someone, just shut up!." -- Lucky Dube