8 Sep
8 Sep
1:12 p.m.
Am 08.09.2012 09:39, schrieb Stephan Bosch:
On 9/8/2012 7:11 AM, Dieter Knopf wrote:
is there any update about the sieve command line tool?
I really need some way to refilter my mails without loosings flags and without moving all messages in a different folder.
For Pigeonhole v0.3 it is part of the normal release as the sieve-filter command. I still haven't received much feedback on it though, so make sure your backups are in order before you give it a try and please report back your findings.
only for info last time i tried external sieve stuff, it worked with procmail, but i stopped doing something with it
-- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer