I've just installed Dovecot and am running into a bit of a problem with
it. I'm using virtual email accounts and everything seems to be working
up to a certain point. Let me break down how the server is setup.
Each domain belongs under the directory /mail so it's path is
basically: /mail/domain.tld. Within each domain directory there are two
sub-directories etc and mail. Under /mail/domain.tld/etc I have two
files setup aliases and passwd, the aliases file handles all mail
aliasing for that domain and the passwd file holds the users account
name and password. The password file has the accounts stored in the
following format:
user@domain.tld:(encrypted password):500:500:Virtual User:/mail/domain.tld/mail/user:/dev/null
The password enctryption is basically htpasswd() style encryption. Now
the problem I'm having is I keep getting authentication errors when I
try to login via POP3 (I'm testing via command line so I do `telnet
localhost 110`). At first I had only auth_debug_passwords=yes set and I
was seeing this in the log file:
Apr 23 18:54:19 www dovecot: auth(default): client in:
Apr 23 18:54:19 www dovecot: auth(default): pam(user@domain.tld, pam_authenticate() failed: Authentication failure
Apr 23 18:54:19 www dovecot: auth(default): passwd-file /mail/domain.tld/etc/passwd: Read 1 users
Apr 23 18:54:19 www dovecot: auth(default): passwd-file(user@domain.tld, unknown user
Apr 23 18:54:20 www dovecot: auth(default): client out: FAIL^I1^Iuser=user@domain.tld
So I can see it's reading the proper password file but it claims that
user doesn't exist, however, that user does exist. When I turn on
auth_verbose=yes and I'm still seeing the same errors in the log file.
Can someone tell me what I'm missing here? I'm really on a time crunch
with this, our mail server died friday morning and it's been put on me
to fix it. They insist I use UW IMAP but I can't get it to work with
the vitrtual users like the previous guy did. I've used Dovecot before
but it's been two years and I can't remember how I got everything
working before. They want things back to normal by Monday morning
(tomorrow) so now I'm a bit stressed since I've lost most my weekend
rebuilding the server and users.
Any help would be appreciated. I thought I had this setup just right
but I just can't get passed it telling me the user doesn't exsist.