At 1247082407 time_t, Timo Sirainen wrote:
"let the bug"? The idea is anyway that you return home=/var/mail/vmail/ and set
mail_location = maildir:%h
That makes much more sense to me. I've considered making it an error to return relative home dirs from userdb, but that might break some setups that are actually working right..
Like mine. I don't think this is *bad* since it's, AFAIK, Dovecot only use in homedir to expand %h. Or do I miss another point?
Well, I guess there's some confusion about what a home dir is.. With Dovecot the home dir is always what userdb returns as the home dir. Dovecot doesn't care about /etc/passwd at all, unless your userdb is passwd. So Dovecot doesn't know/care that deliver is run as "mail" user, it doesn't care what /etc/passwd contains for the mail user.
Okay, sorry for the confusion. I don't know why I though it was doing some chdir() in a part of mail_location, which has no sense.
where as mail_location is /var/mail/vmail/%h. And almost all the mails (except the couples of ones I mentionned) are delivered and still delivered currently.
It's probably the large mails that cause the problem. Dovecot writes them to a temporary file under home directory.
OK, that would explains everything actually, depending on what you call home directory. :-) If it's the user's home, it really has no sense since nowhere it returns something with /var/spool/postfix.
Well, anyway, I changed my setup to return absolute path and it seems to work, the mails got delivered.
I really suggest you[1] rather try to reproduce and fix the bug, or really disallow relative path in home directory since it's seems partly-broken, or maybe only for large file (your theory :).
[1] Yeah, I know, it's easy to say... :-)
Julien Danjou // ᐰ <> // 9A0D 5FD9 EB42 22F6 8974 C95C A462 B51E C2FE E5CD // I'm no superman.